Friday 16 July 2010

Why cigarando?

Why cigarando? I started the blog but didn't say why I did it or perhaps even how the name came out... well starting from the latter, the first part of the name is pretty easy to understand, the second one is basically the italian version of -ing suffix... so rather than smoking a cigarette, i will just be... cigarando :)

And why the blog? well, just to be clear, I am not a cigar expert, just somebody who enjoys cigars and likes to find out a little bit more about them - there is a lot of people out there with a lot of knowledge in the space... the aim is therefore to learn more and more and hope you can too by following cigarando... 

I am about to go on holidays for a few days, so will probably touch base with all after that... in the meantime i leave you with a snapshot of a cigar I would have loved to smoke tonight but couldn't..., a picture of my brother Marco, my friend Alessandro and myself at the Cena di Benvenida of the Partagas Festival (I'm proudly showing my badge, got the picture from Marco today, credit to his wife Anna for the picture) and an overview of all the goods available at the La Casa del Habano in Milan - stopped by there quickly this week as was in Milan for work, didn't manage to sample anything but who knows, I might next time... (fyi, they don't allow to smoke inside but there is a nice restaurant around the corner to eat and smoke at the same time) 

A very good cigar... the Behike-sized special cigar of La China given at the Partagas Festival in Matelica (this is worth a post on its own... to follow)

With my brother Marco and Alessandro


Before I go, there should be surprises going forward, with a guest blogger making his appearance - stay tuned!


  1. Wow!The title is clever!

  2. i like the idea of a cigar blog. but i don't smoke cigars, only the small cigarettes from the convenience store. haha!! i do think it takes a real man to smoke a cigar.
